The ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction is being held at the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy on 1-3 July 2022. The Organizing Committee invites companies that are active in the field of camelid reproduction to sponsor this international quadrennial meeting, that brings together scientists, veterinarians and camelid breeders from all around the world.
Sponsorship opportunities are available at four levels tailored to allow you to bring your products and services to the attention of researchers and breeders in the camelid industry:
Value: Euros €15,000
This will entitle your company to:
Exclusivity (one sponsor only)
A full page advertisement and prominent listing in the Platinum Sponsor Section of the Proceedings and Program booklet.
A prominent stand at the Meeting to display your products and services.
Free entrance for 4 delegates for the duration of the meeting.
A 15 minute oral slot in the Scientific Program to describe your mission, services and products.
Your company slide displayed between sessions.
Possibility to chair a session.
One email distribution to all participants, either before or after the conference.
Company literature in the conference package.
Prominent placement on correspondence between the organizers and delegates
Your company logo on the homepage of our website, with a link to your own website.
Value: Euros €6,000
This will entitle your company to:
A full page advertisement and prominent listing in the Gold Sponsor Section of the Proceedings and Program booklet.
A prominent stand at the Meeting to display your products and services.
Prominent placement of a banner with your company name and logo.
Free entrance for 2 delegates for the duration of the meeting.
A 5 minute oral slot in the Scientific Program to describe your products and services.
The opportunity to sponsor a session with company slide displayed before session.
One email distribution to all participants, either before or after the conference.
Company literature in the conference package.
Prominent placement on correspondence between the organizers and delegates.
Your company logo on the homepage of our website, with a link to your own website.
Value: Euros €3,000
This will entitle your company to:
A half page advertisement in the Proceedings and Program booklet.
A trade stand.
Placement of a banner in the foyer.
Free entrance for one representative.
Opportunity to sponsor a lecture with company slide being displayed before lecture starts.
Company literature in the conference package.
Your company logo on subsequent pages of website with a link to your own website.
Value: Euros €1,000
This will entitle your company to:
A half page advertisement in the Proceedings and Program booklet.
Your company logo on subsequent pages of website with a link to your own website.